Science Olympiad

NOAA's Office of Education supports the Dynamic Planet and Meteorology events at the annual Science Olympiad National Tournament.

Since 2012, NOAA Education has sponsored the Meteorology event offsite link for middle school students and supported the middle and high school Dynamic Planet competitions offsite link.

A group of students wearing their school colors (red and black) stand in front of a large Science Olympiad Caltech banner.
Sierra Vista Middle School in Irvine, California, won the Meteorology - Division B Event at the 2022 Science Olympiad National Tournament. (Courtesy of Science Olympiad)

Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad offsite link is an international non-profit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. NOAA Office of Education supports the Meteorology (Division B) and Dynamic Planet (Divisions B and C) events within the Science Olympiad National Tournament.

NOAA resources for Science Olympiad

Each year, NOAA provides educational resources for the Science Olympiad National Tournament. See the NOAA resources for 2024 Meteorology: Severe Storms and 2024 Dynamic Planet: Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tectonics.

NOAA prize packages

NOAA congratulates the winning schools, all of the students who compete, and their coaches and supervisors.

NOAA distributes prize packages to the winners of the Meteorology and Dynamic Planet competitions.