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Community Climate Education for a Resilient Raleigh

City of Raleigh · Raleigh, North Carolina
Funding: $134,230
Year: 2023

As a southern city, Raleigh, North Carolina is no stranger to heat, humidity and heavy rains. But as the climate changes, and as Raleigh grows, these environmental conditions have come to have greater impacts on human health and economic security. Extreme heat and flooding disproportionately effect low-income and Black and brown populations in Raleigh as these communities are more likely to live in low-lying, flood-prone neighborhoods and urban heat islands.

As a southern city, Raleigh, North Carolina is no stranger to heat, humidity and heavy rains. But as the climate changes, and as Raleigh grows, these environmental conditions have come to have greater impacts on human health and economic security. Extreme heat and flooding disproportionately effect low-income and Black and brown populations in Raleigh as these communities are more likely to live in low-lying, flood-prone neighborhoods and urban heat islands. To build resilience among climate and socially vulnerable communities, the City of Raleigh and Partners for Environmental Justice (PEJ), a community-based environmental education and advocacy organization, are working together to implement the Community Climate Education for a Resilient Raleigh (CCERR) project. The purpose of this project is to give climate-vulnerable Raleigh residents the data and resources necessary to build their resilience, engage with decision makers, and build connections within their community. The CCERR Project has three activities. In activity one, the project will host six cohorts of a watershed learning network (two in Spanish) and three cohorts of a heat island learning network (one in Spanish). Each member of these cohorts will receive a stipend to implement a resilience project of their own. The primary service area of the watershed learning networks are flood-sensitive communities within the Walnut Creek Watershed. The primary service areas of the heat island learning teams will be in areas of the City identified as urban heat islands and disadvantaged communities. These learning networks will provide educational opportunities about watershed improvement, climate resiliency and environmental justice, and connect these issues to residents’ daily lives. Learning network participants will use their knowledge, skills and resources to become more engaged in protecting the integrity of their communities. These networks will be informed by PEJ’s experience and best practices developed by nonprofit organizations in Atlanta, GA and Durham, NH. The CCERR project will also convene these organizations to develop guidance on how to develop and program learning networks.In activity two, the CCERR project will produce an emergency preparedness meeting-in-a-box, a toolkit of print and digital resources for community meetings to help neighborhoods plan, prepare for, and recover from extreme weather events and other emergency situations. City of Raleigh staff will use the meeting-in-a-box to host workshops prioritizing climate vulnerable communities. These tools will also be available for use by any City Department, neighborhood groups, or Raleigh residents who wish to host a preparedness event. Finally, in activity three, the CCERR project will collaborate with NOAA’s Carolinas Climate Adaptation Partnership to identify neighborhood priorities for climate resilience and begin to integrate them into city planning processes. These projects and approaches will offer concrete resources, science-based data, engagement with experts and connections to City and County staff and decision-makers to give voice for Raleigh residents’ resilience priorities and the know-how and tools to take action. Each of these activities give Raleigh residents tools, resources and connections to scientific data, while supporting City and State climate action efforts.

Award Number: NA23SEC0080003
Grant Dates: 10/01/2023 to 12/30/2026
PI: Nicole Goddard
State: North Carolina   County:   Wake District: NC02

Resilience from the Youth Up

Michigan Sea Grant offsite link · Ann Arbor, Michigan
Funding: $497,658
Year: 2018
As climate impacts ratchet up across the United States, the Great Lakes region tends to fly under the national radar. While the Great Lakes do not experience hurricanes, rising sea levels, or large-scale wildfires, the local climate has become increasingly erratic in recent years. The region, however, is one of the most unprepared in the country to cope with these impacts. A recent Grosvenor report (2014) on climate resilience among 50 global cities ranked Detroit last among 11 U.S.

As climate impacts ratchet up across the United States, the Great Lakes region tends to fly under the national radar. While the Great Lakes do not experience hurricanes, rising sea levels, or large-scale wildfires, the local climate has become increasingly erratic in recent years. The region, however, is one of the most unprepared in the country to cope with these impacts. A recent Grosvenor report (2014) on climate resilience among 50 global cities ranked Detroit last among 11 U.S. cities for adaptability and only better than three cities for overall resilience, which incorporates both climate vulnerability and adaptability factors. Of U.S. cities with more than 100,000 residents, Detroit has the highest percentage of African-American residents (80.7%, U.S. Census 2016). Still recovering from bankruptcy, the city also has a 39% poverty rate, which impacts over 56% of children (ibid). These socio-economic factors, coupled with other environmental justice concerns, such as a centrally located incinerator and an asthma rate of 15.5% among adults resulting in over 3,000 hospitalizations annually, make Detroit residents particularly vulnerable to climate impacts. This project will address the urgent need to increase resilience by working with high school students and teachers in Detroit and southeast Michigan to increase their awareness of climate change and develop projects that help their schools and neighborhoods become resilient to increased occurrence and intensity of heat waves, storm events, and flooding. Using NOAA assets, including GLISA localized climate data and Sea Grant outreach and education expertise, high school students and teachers will partner with climate scientists to explore local climate impacts firsthand and to develop resilience strategies and projects that protect vulnerable households and neighborhoods and contribute to broader sustainability initiatives. The City of Detroit seeks this involvement as it ramps up a new Office of Sustainability and seeks proposals to develop the city's first Sustainability Framework. The effort is a partnership with EcoWorks, Great Lakes Integrated Sciences + Assessments (GLISA), Michigan Sea Grant (MISG), Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition (SEMIS), Eastern Michigan University, Civic Research Services, Inc., and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In each of the next three years, 200 students from various high schools in the Detroit and Ypsilanti areas will participate in weekly activities related to the grant. The four primary objectives of the program include: 1) Engage students in assessing and quantifying climate vulnerabilities of their schools, neighborhoods, and surrounding community. 2) Using a place-based education (PBE) model, prepare educators to engage students in creating plans and completing projects that increase community resilience. 3) Empower high school students to teach residents about local climate impacts and increase understanding of resilience strategies to mitigate extreme weather events or other environmental hazards. 4) Contribute to the completion and implementation of local sustainability and climate action plans in Southeast Michigan.

Award Number: NA18SEC0080006
Grant Dates: 10/01/2018 to 09/30/2023
PI: Silvia Newell
State: Michigan   County:   Washtenaw District: MI06
Partners: Eastern Michigan University · National Wildlife Federation (NWF) / Great Lakes Regional Center · Natural History Museum of the Adirondacks / The Wild Center · NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) · NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) · Southeast Michigan Stewardship Coalition (SEMIS) · EcoWorks · Great Lakes Integrated Sciences + Assessments (GLISA) · Ypsilanti Public School District · City of Detroit / Office of Sustainability · City of Ypsilanti · Detroit Public Schools Community District · Michigan State University (MSU) Extension · Washtenaw County Administration / Water Resources Commissioner's Office · Huron-Clinton Metroparks / Lake Erie · American Society of Adaptation Professionals (ASAP) · Ann Arbor Public Schools · Detroit City Council / Green Task Force · Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice · Michigan Climate Action Network · Detroit Greenways Coalition · WSP Detroit · Michigan Aerospace Corporation · Porter Family Foundation · Izzie, LLC · Huron River Watershed Council · Clinton River Watershed Council · Charter Township of Ypsilanti · Detroit Mayor's Office Administration / Department of Neighborhoods ·

Building and Distributing SciGuides and Science Objects

Funding: $463,071
Year: 2005
In 2004, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) embarked on a cooperative agreement with the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) to develop a series of education products for teachers corresponding to topics aligned to NOAA’s mission. The products--called Science Objects and SciGuides--address teacher professional development needs, and provide classroom resources. The agreement includes both evaluative components and a means for dissemination.

In 2004, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) embarked on a cooperative agreement with the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) to develop a series of education products for teachers corresponding to topics aligned to NOAA’s mission. The products--called Science Objects and SciGuides--address teacher professional development needs, and provide classroom resources. The agreement includes both evaluative components and a means for dissemination. The topics are drawn from science education standards, specifically a draft Oceans map AAAS produced that is modeled after the benchmark maps found in the Atlas of Science Literacy (2001). The topics are also informed by the National Science Educations Standards (1996). The topics were selected to support the curriculum at the high school level. These topics were in turn aligned to science research produced by NOAA scientists. Several months after the cooperative agreement was formalized, NSTA and the NOAA Office of Education and Sustainable Development agreed to a work order to produce a single SciGuide at the middle school level that will draw on topics found in the AAAS Weather and Climate map. Production for this SciGuide is due to start in June 2005 and will be completed in November 2005. To ensure topic choices, NSTA standards experts proposed a list from which to choose. Its experts also concentrated their analysis of the maps to the grade bands that interested each line office – high school for the NOS and middle school for the OESD. The universe of topics is far from exhausted. NSTA would like to expand on these partnerships to plan, implement, and evaluate two additional Science Objects and two SciGuides at the middle level, which will be disseminated through two Symposia that take place at NSTA conventions in fall 2006 and spring 2007. The additional development will fill in two of the gaps left open in the maps, and equip even more science educators to better teach the science of the NOAA, namely oceans, coasts, charting and navigation, weather, energy flow through an ecosystem, and climate. This partnership will bring NSTA educational professionals and master teachers together in an ongoing working relationship with NOAA scientists, writers, content experts, and communications professionals.

Award Number: NA05SEC4691006
Grant Dates: 10/01/2005 to 09/30/2008
PI: Albert Byers
State: Virginia   County:   Arlington District: VA08
Partners: Texas Regional Collaboratives ·