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Community Climate Education for a Resilient Raleigh

City of Raleigh · Raleigh, North Carolina
Funding: $134,230
Year: 2023

As a southern city, Raleigh, North Carolina is no stranger to heat, humidity and heavy rains. But as the climate changes, and as Raleigh grows, these environmental conditions have come to have greater impacts on human health and economic security. Extreme heat and flooding disproportionately effect low-income and Black and brown populations in Raleigh as these communities are more likely to live in low-lying, flood-prone neighborhoods and urban heat islands.

As a southern city, Raleigh, North Carolina is no stranger to heat, humidity and heavy rains. But as the climate changes, and as Raleigh grows, these environmental conditions have come to have greater impacts on human health and economic security. Extreme heat and flooding disproportionately effect low-income and Black and brown populations in Raleigh as these communities are more likely to live in low-lying, flood-prone neighborhoods and urban heat islands. To build resilience among climate and socially vulnerable communities, the City of Raleigh and Partners for Environmental Justice (PEJ), a community-based environmental education and advocacy organization, are working together to implement the Community Climate Education for a Resilient Raleigh (CCERR) project. The purpose of this project is to give climate-vulnerable Raleigh residents the data and resources necessary to build their resilience, engage with decision makers, and build connections within their community. The CCERR Project has three activities. In activity one, the project will host six cohorts of a watershed learning network (two in Spanish) and three cohorts of a heat island learning network (one in Spanish). Each member of these cohorts will receive a stipend to implement a resilience project of their own. The primary service area of the watershed learning networks are flood-sensitive communities within the Walnut Creek Watershed. The primary service areas of the heat island learning teams will be in areas of the City identified as urban heat islands and disadvantaged communities. These learning networks will provide educational opportunities about watershed improvement, climate resiliency and environmental justice, and connect these issues to residents’ daily lives. Learning network participants will use their knowledge, skills and resources to become more engaged in protecting the integrity of their communities. These networks will be informed by PEJ’s experience and best practices developed by nonprofit organizations in Atlanta, GA and Durham, NH. The CCERR project will also convene these organizations to develop guidance on how to develop and program learning networks.In activity two, the CCERR project will produce an emergency preparedness meeting-in-a-box, a toolkit of print and digital resources for community meetings to help neighborhoods plan, prepare for, and recover from extreme weather events and other emergency situations. City of Raleigh staff will use the meeting-in-a-box to host workshops prioritizing climate vulnerable communities. These tools will also be available for use by any City Department, neighborhood groups, or Raleigh residents who wish to host a preparedness event. Finally, in activity three, the CCERR project will collaborate with NOAA’s Carolinas Climate Adaptation Partnership to identify neighborhood priorities for climate resilience and begin to integrate them into city planning processes. These projects and approaches will offer concrete resources, science-based data, engagement with experts and connections to City and County staff and decision-makers to give voice for Raleigh residents’ resilience priorities and the know-how and tools to take action. Each of these activities give Raleigh residents tools, resources and connections to scientific data, while supporting City and State climate action efforts.

Award Number: NA23SEC0080003
Grant Dates: 10/01/2023 to 12/30/2026
PI: Nicole Goddard
State: North Carolina   County:   Wake District: NC02

Nothing Without Us: Building Environmental Literacy, Resilience, and Sustainability in DC through a Multi-Partner, Community-Led Approach

Funding: $499,999
Year: 2022
The FH Faunteroy Community Enrichment Center will lead intergenerational efforts to build climate resilience and address complex environmental problems with Ward 7 residents through a model built on self-determination and collaboration with public and private partners. The project’s geographic focus is on Ward 7, home to not only the majority of single-family homes in Washington, DC’s 100-year floodplain, but also a predominantly Black population that faces increased climate vulnerability due to socio-economic stressors and legacies of systemic racism.

The FH Faunteroy Community Enrichment Center will lead intergenerational efforts to build climate resilience and address complex environmental problems with Ward 7 residents through a model built on self-determination and collaboration with public and private partners. The project’s geographic focus is on Ward 7, home to not only the majority of single-family homes in Washington, DC’s 100-year floodplain, but also a predominantly Black population that faces increased climate vulnerability due to socio-economic stressors and legacies of systemic racism. The Ward 7 Resilience Hub Community Committee is the lead project partner, with collaborators including the DC Department of Energy and Environment, Harrison Institute for Public Law at Georgetown University Law Center, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, and additional support from NOAA Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments Program. Project goals, centered around Ward 7 residents, are to: (1) reshape workforce development programs and initiatives; (2) increase environmental literacy and civic participation; and (3) create community-driven decision-making processes and structures that guide the development of resilience hubs in the District. The full project title is “Nothing Without Us: Building Environmental Literacy, Resilience, and Sustainability in DC through a Multi-Partner, Community-Led Approach.” Activities will include workforce development programming, environmental education, and convenings for and with the partner organizations to develop promising practices for community resilience hubs. This collaboration will build a climate-ready workforce among Ward 7 residents, support community action and advocacy, and position residents to be leaders in the implementation of the District’s sustainability and climate plans, including Climate Ready DC, Resilient DC, and Sustainable DC 2.0.

Award Number: NA22SEC0080006
Grant Dates: 10/01/2022 to 09/30/2025
PI: Estelle-Marie Montgomery
State: District of Columbia   County:   District of Columbia District: DC00
Partners: NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) · NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office · FH Faunteroy Community Enrichment Center (FCEC) · District of Columbia (DC) Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE) · Harrison Institute for Public Law at Georgetown University Law Center · Ward 7 Resilience Hub Community Committee (RHCC) · NOAA Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) / Mid-Atlantic RISA ·

Newark Resilient Solar Initiative

Solar One (CEC Stuyvesant Cove) offsite link · Long Island City, New York
Funding: $499,994
Year: 2022
Solar One and The Newark Office of Sustainability are launching the Newark Resilient Solar Initiative, which utilizes the construction and deployment of resilient solar systems as a catalyst for education—both in the classroom and in the most vulnerable communities in Newark.

Solar One and The Newark Office of Sustainability are launching the Newark Resilient Solar Initiative, which utilizes the construction and deployment of resilient solar systems as a catalyst for education—both in the classroom and in the most vulnerable communities in Newark. The Initiative responds to the need for high quality career and technical education and work-based learning opportunities in Newark Public Schools and community engagement around climate resilience for people in low-income, largely immigrant, and predominantly Black and Latino communities in Newark who are highly vulnerable to flooding and extreme heat. Resilient solar systems, including solar plus battery storage, build community resilience to climate hazards by enabling Newarkers to access electricity during a power outage. The systems will be housed at accessible locations such as community gardens and are built by up to 52 Newark high school interns who receive solar workforce training, strengthening their career readiness and leadership skills. Each resilient solar system is unveiled at a community engagement event that features NOAA assets to build collective environmental literacy, emergency preparedness, and social cohesion in alignment with local resilience goals—reaching up to 200 community members. In addition, The Initiative trains 9 teachers and 800 Newark Public School students in climate literacy and solar workforce training, which can jumpstart a lifelong career in renewable energy, a field with high income potential. The Initiative is guided by an advisory committee composed of community members, community-based organization partners, and environmental justice leaders.

Award Number: NA22SEC0080004
Grant Dates: 10/01/2022 to 09/30/2024
PI: Karen Alsen
State: New York   County:   Queens District: NY07
Partners: NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) · City of Newark / Mayor's Office · Newark Board of Education · Ironbound Community Corporation · Newark Science and Sustainability, Inc. · South Ward Environmental Alliance (SWEA) · United Parks As One ·