Issued 12/11/91; Effective 11/29/91; Reviewed Last: In Process
This Order assigns responsibilities and delegates authority regarding the approval of long-term training assignments.
.01 Assistant Administrators and Staff Office Directors are delegated the authority to approve long-term training for employees within their organizations. This authority may be redelegated to heads of Financial Management Centers (FMC). Any redelegation of this authority must be made in writing with copies provided to the Director, Personnel and Civil Rights Office, NOAA.
.02 The allocation and approval of long-term training is a line management responsibility involving the commitment of substantial resources. Requests should be approved at a high enough level that they are considered in light of the needs of the entire program.
.03 The sole authority for the approval of long term training for NOAA Corps officers is the Director, NOAA Corps Operations.
Long-term training. Any training assignment in a government or nongovernment facility on either a full-time or a part-time basis which requires absence from the assigned duties without charge to leave for one or more academic sessions.
.01 Assistant Administrators and Staff Office Directors will:
- assure that the use of long-term training assignments is considered as an option to enhance the skill levels of staff in order to meet program needs;
- establish and publish internal procedures for the review of long-term training requests;
- determine appropriate approval levels within their organizations, and
- submit approved requests to the servicing Administrative Support Center (ASC) for processing.
.02 The Personnel Operations Division of the Personnel and Civil Rights Office will:
- exercise its responsibilities for NOAA-wide training, and
- provide a report to the Director, Office of Administration on the number and duration of long-term training assignments approved annually.
.03 The ASC Personnel Officers and the Personnel Operations Division will:
- provide advice and guidance to line managers on regulations and procedures;
- review long-term training requests from their respective serviced clients for statutory and regulatory compliance, and
- process approved requests in accordance with established regulation.
The Director, NOAA Corps Personnel Operations will perform these services for NOAA Corps Officers.
This Order supersedes NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 202-301, Long-Term Training, dated July 27, 1990.
Director, Office of Administration
Office of Primary Interest:
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
Personnel and Civil Rights Office (OA2)