- Title 15 Code of Federal Regulations, Commerce and Foreign Trade
Part 4 - Disclosure of Government Information [U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) Web site] - Executive Order 13392, Improving Agency Disclosure of Information [.pdf - GPO Website]
- NOAA Administrative Order 205-14
Agency_Record_Retention_Reminder.pdf (130.8 KB)
NOAA's Office of Communications is NOAA's focal point for information in the public domain. The office maintains a broad range of NOAA publications, press releases, reports, and other pertinent information. The office address, contact person, and an index of frequently requested publications can be accessed from this link.
News releases and Media advisories and more are available on the News and features page.
NOAA's mission statement, strategic plan, organizational structure, Line and Program Offices, and a wealth of scientific and administrative information can be accessed from the About our agency page.
NOAA-DPAA_MOU_FNL_2024.pdf (240.11 KB) -
0003_DWH_Burn_Metadata.pdf (77.81 KB) -
0002_DWH_Memo_for_Office_Regions_final.pdf (216.08 KB) -
0001_Selection_Protocol.pdf (124.16 KB) -
NMFS_BOEM_Mayflower_NARW_Memo_05_13_2022.pdf (32.83 KB) -
005_DWH_AAR_Short_Summary_Report_Draft.pdf (178.63 KB) - Weather Modifications
- US NSF - OPP - ANT - United States Antarctic Program
- Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station | NSF - National Science Foundation
- McMurdo Station | NSF - National Science Foundation
- NOAA Climate Portal
- Anarctica Information_GML
- Hurricane Information
- Hurricane Dorian-Related Records
- Green Turtle related records
USPTO_NOAA_MOU_final_signed2024.pdf (852.74 KB) - NMFS WRC ROC LTO
NOAA_and_Proteus_Ocean_Group_CRADA.pdf (360.89 KB) - Viking CRADA
- MOU OceanX redacted
- MOU Caladan Oceanic, LLC
- Department of Commerce FOIA Annual Reports
- Department of Commerce Bankcard Listing
- NOAA Organizational Chart
- Training: NOAA 2016 Law Enforcement FOIA Guidelines
CongressionalLogs_9.20.22_Redacted.pdf (4.16 MB) - NOAA Data Catalog
- DIVERS - Mid Barataria Sediment Diversion
- FOIA Guidance
North_Atlantic_Right_Whale_NARW_112022.pdf (275.28 KB) -
OceansX_MOU_092023.pdf (65.59 KB)
- NOAA Institutional Repository - The NOAA IR is a digital archive of NOAA authored and funded publications dating back to 1970. It includes technical memorandum and reports, journal articles, reviews, strategic plans, assessments and more covering all areas of NOAA's research.
- Privacy Act System of Records (SORN‘s) - The Privacy Act Issuances site will provide Department of Commerce systems of records. This service is provided by the U.S. Government Printing Office to assist individuals requesting information about their records.
- Government Interactive Locator System (GILS) - This systems locates and provides assistance in obtaining Federal public information, including DOC/NOAA-specific information.
- National Technical Information Services (NTIS) - The NTIS is the official resource for government-sponsored U.S. worldwide scientific, technical, engineering, and business information.
- U.S. Superintendent of Documents - All documents at the U.S. Superintendent of Documents are shelved by government organization and not by subject matter. The documents include information about U.S. Government laws, regulations, statistics, maps, and bibliographies.
- Federal Register - The Federal Register is the official daily publication for Rules, Proposed Rules, and Notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as Executive Orders and other Presidential Documents.