In the garden

50 ways to love your ocean and coasts

  • 17. Plant native species in your garden.

    This will save water and lessen your need for fertilizers and pesticides. Learn more about identifying and using native species for your region at this U.S. Forest Service website. Also consider ways you can increase pollination opportunities through your garden.

  • 18. Make your own compost.

    It will use up your kitchen scraps and keep them out of landfills, and provide a free fertilizer for your plants. This EPA primer can help get you started. Some communities also have a composting option for household food waste.

  • 19. Use green infrastructure wherever you can.

    Green roofs, rain gardens, and other projects reduce the pollution that enters coastal waters. Check with your local land-grant extension office for how-to’s best suited to your location. There are also many ways to incorporate green infrastructure on the community scale. Think your community could use a little push in that direction?!