50 ways to love your ocean and coasts
50 ways to love your ocean and coasts
36. Get up to speed on the health of your local waterways.
This EPA website provides information on water quality in your local watershed, plus information on swimming, eating fish, aquatic life, and more.
37. Learn about the endangered species in your state.
Click on this U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service map to learn about endangered species in your state and what is being done to help conserve them.
38. Learn about your coastal county.
Use this snapshot tool to learn about ocean-related jobs and their impact on the community, flood exposure risk, and sea level rise projections. Use this information to become a knowledgeable voice for your community!
39. Talk about climate change.
It’s not always easy, but having these conversations, and increasing everyone’s knowledge, is important. These communication tips might help get you started.