List of NOAA Open Data Dissemination Program Datasets

 There are hundreds of NOAA datasets on the Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) platforms; the list below is updated on a quarterly basis. The datasets are organized by the NOAA Line Office and programmatic area that generated the original dataset. Within each section, the datasets are listed alphabetically and links are included to the original NOAA dataset location, as well as links to the specific CSP(s) landing page(s) to the right of the dataset. 



National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS)

Climate Data Records Microsoft Azure offsite link
Atmospheric Amazon Web Services offsite link
Oceanic 》Amazon Web Services offsite link
Terrestrial Amazon Web Services offsite link
Fundamental Amazon Web Services offsite link
Ocean Heat Fluxes V 2.0  Google offsite link
Ocean Near-Surface Atmospheric Properties V 2.0  Google offsite link
Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural
        Networks (PEOptimum Interpolation Sea Surface TemperatureRSIANN)
  Google offsite link
Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature (OISST)  Google offsite link
Sea Surface Temperature - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) V2  Google offsite link
Vegetation - Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically
        Active Radiation (FAPAR)
  Google offsite link

Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Strikes - National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL)  Google offsite link

Crowdsourced Bathymetry  Amazon Web Services offsite link

Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) 
Global Radiance-calibrated nighttime lights V4, Defense Meteorological Program
  Operational Linescan System  Google offsite link
Nighttime Lights Time Series V4, Defense Meteorological Program
  Operational Linescan System   Google offsite link

Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) 
Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCN - D)  Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link 》Azure offsite link
Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCN - M)  Google offsite link Azure offsite link

Global Relief Model (ETOPO1) 
1 Arc-Minute Elevation offsite link  Google offsite link

GOES-16 & GOES 17  & GOES 18 Amazon Web Services offsite link  Google offsite link  Microsoft Azure offsite link
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 1b
         Full Disk (ABI-L1b-RadF) | CONUS (ABI-L1b-RadC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L1b-RadM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Cloud Top Height
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-ACHAF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-ACHAC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-ACHAM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Cloud Top Temperature
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-ACHTF) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-ACHTM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Clear Sky Mask
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-ACMF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-ACMC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-ACMM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Cloud Top Phase
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-ACTPF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-ACTPC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-ACTPM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Aerosol Detection
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-ADPF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-ADPC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-ADPM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Aerosol Optical Depth
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-AODF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-AODC)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-CMIPF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-CMIPC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-CMIPM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Cloud Optical Depth
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-CODF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-CODC)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Cloud Particle Size
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-CPSF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-CPSC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-CPSM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Cloud Top Pressure
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-CTPF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-CTPC)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Derived Motion Winds
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-DMWF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-DMWC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-DMWM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Derived Stability Indices
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-DSIF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-DSIC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-DSIM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Downward Shortwave Radiation
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-DSRF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-DSRC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-DSRM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Fire (Hot Spot Characterization)
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-FDCF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-FDCC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-FDCM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Land Surface Temperature
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-LSTF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-LSTC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-LSTM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Land Surface Albedo

         Full Disk (ABI-L2-LSAF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-LSAC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-LSAM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Land Surface Bidirectional Reflectance Factor

         Full Disk (ABI-L2-BRFF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-BRFC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-BRFM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-LVMPF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-LVMPC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-LVMPM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-LVTPF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-LVTPC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-LVTPM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery: Multi-Band Format
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-MCMIPF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-MCMIPC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-MCMIPM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Rainfall Rate (Quantitative Precipitation Estimate) Full Disk (ABI-L2-RRQPEF)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Reflected Shortwave Radiation Top-Of-Atmosphere
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-RSRF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-RSRC)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Sea Surface (Skin) Temperature Full Disk (ABI-L2-SSTF)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Total Precipitable Water
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-TPWF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-TPWC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-TPWM)
Advanced Baseline Imager Level 2 Volcanic Ash: Detection and Height Full Disk (ABI-L2-VAAF)
Energetic Heavy Ions (SEIS-L1b-EHIS) 
Geomagnetic Field (MAG-L1b-GEOF)
Geostationary Lightning Mapper Level 2 Lightning Detection (GLM-L2-LCFA) 
Ice Age and Thickness (GLM-L2-LCFA)
Ice Concentration and Extent (ABI-L2-AICEF) 
L2+ Derived Motion Winds - Vapor
         Full Disk (ABI-L2-DMWVF) | CONUS (ABI-L2-DMWVC) | Mesoscale (ABI-L2-DMWVM)
Mag. Electrons & Protons 
          Med & High Energy (SEIS-L1b-MPSH) | Low Energy (SEIS-L1b-MPSL) 
Solar & Galactic Protons (SEIS-L1b-SGPS) 
Solar Flux
         EUV (EXIS-L1b-SFEU) | X-Ray (EXIS-L1b-SFXR)
Solar Ultraviolet Imager Level 1b Extreme Ultraviolet 

        Global Hydro-Estimator Satellite Rainfall Estimates (GHE) - 15 Minute rain rate   Amazon Web Services offsite link  Microsoft Azure offsite link

        Global Mosaic of Geostationary Satellite Imagery (GMGSI) Amazon Web Services offsite link

Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD)  Amazon Web Services offsite link  Google offsite link

Gridded Satellite Data B1 (GRIDSAT-B1)
Geostationary IR Channel Brightness Temperature  Google offsite link

Himawari (JMA)  Amazon Web Services offsite link

Integrated Surface Database (ISD)  Amazon Web Services offsite link  Microsoft Azure offsite link

International Comprehensive Ocean (ICOADS) - Atmosphere Data Set Google offsite link

International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS)  Google offsite link

Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS)  》Amazon Web Services offsite link  》Google offsite link Microsoft Azure (Coming Soon)

Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) GK-2A Satellite offsite link 》Amazon Web Services offsite link

Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES)
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)
Daily Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) Over Global Oceans V.3  Google offsite link
Pathfinder Version 5.3 Collated Global 4km Sea Surface Temperature  Google offsite link
Surface Reflectance, Version 5  Google offsite link  
GIMMS Normalized Difference Radiation (NDVI)  Google offsite link
Climate Data Record, Pathfinder Atmospheres Extended (CDR PATMOSX)
Cloud Properties, Reflectance, and Brightness Temperatures V 5.3   Google offsite link

Significant Earthquakes Database  Google offsite link

Tsunami Cause & Event Data  Google offsite link

Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
Night Time Day/Night Band Composites V1  Google offsite link
Stray Light Corrected Night Time Day/Night Band Composite V1  Google offsite link

World Ocean Database (WOD)  Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link

U.S. Climate Normals  Amazon Web Services offsite link Microsoft Azure offsite link

U.S. Climate Gridded Dataset - Daily & Monthly (NClimGrid)  Amazon Web Services offsite link Microsoft Azure offsite link

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National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)

NOAA Water Column Sonar  Amazon Web Services offsite link

Passive Acoustic Monitoring  Google offsite link

Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) Google offsite link

Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC)  Google offsite link

Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)  Google offsite link

Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC)  Google offsite link

Greater Atlantic Region Fisheries Science Center (GARFO)  Google offsite link

Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)  Google offsite link

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National Ocean Service (NOS)

National Bathymetric Source (NBS) Amazon Web Services offsite link

Coastal LiDAR Amazon Web Services offsite link

Coastal Ocean Reanalysis (CORA) Amazon Web Services offsite link

Emergency Response Imagery (ERI)  Amazon Web Services offsite link

Global Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System 2-D (STOFS-2D-Global)Amazon Web Services offsite link

NOAA 3-D Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System for the Atlantic Basin (STOFS-3D-Atlantic) 》Amazon Web Services offsite link

NOAA Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Network (NCN) 》Amazon Web Services offsite link

NOAA S-111 Surface Water Currents Data  Amazon Web Services offsite link

Operational Forecast System (OFS)  Amazon Web Services offsite link


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National Weather Service (NWS)

Analysis of Record for Calibration (AORC) offsite linkAmazon Web Services offsite link

Climate Forecast System (CFS) 》Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link Microsoft Azure offsite link

CFS Reanalysis  》Google offsite link 

Global Forecast System (GFS)  Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link  Microsoft Azure offsite link

Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS)  》Amazon Web Services offsite link

High Resolution Rapid Refresh Model (HRRR) Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link Microsoft Azure offsite link

Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) Amazon Web Services offsite link

National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) Amazon Web Services offsite link

National Blend of Models (NBM) Amazon Web Services offsite link

National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) [Historical] - Cornell University Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) Data Lake offsite link Amazon Web Services offsite link

National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) Amazon Web Services offsite link

National Water Model 
Analysis & Forecast Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link Microsoft Azure offsite link
Reanalysis V 1.2 Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link 
Reanalysis V 2.0 Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link 

Reanalysis V 2.1 Amazon Web Services offsite link

Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD)
NEXRAD Level 2 Real-Time and Archive Data 》Amazon Web Services offsite linkGoogle offsite link
NEXRAD Level 3 Real-Time and Archive Data 》Google offsite link

NOAA Global Data Assimilation System (DA) Test Data (GDAS) offsite link Amazon Web Services offsite link

Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) Forecasts Amazon Web Services offsite link

        Rapid Refresh (RAP) Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link Microsoft Azure offsite link

        Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) / Unrestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA) Amazon Web Services offsite link 》  Google offsite link

Yesterday's Storm Reports Google offsite link 

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NOAA Developmental Model Data

        [Legacy Model Retirement Information]

       Unified Forecast System (UFS) offsite link 
        UFS Regression Testing  Amazon Web Services offsite link
        UFS Short Range Weather  Amazon Web Services offsite link
        UFS Medium Range Weather  Amazon Web Services
        UFS Land Data Assimilation (DA) System Amazon Web Services offsite link
        UFS Marine Reanalysis 1979-2019 data  Amazon Web Services offsite link
        UFS Subseasonal to Seasonal Prototype 5 (UFS Prototype 5) Amazon Web Services offsite link

        Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) Prototype  offsite link 》Amazon Web Services offsite link

        High-Resolution Rapid Refresh Ensemble (HRRRE) / Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) Experimental Runs Amazon Web Services

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Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR)

Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) - Reforecast  Amazon Web Services offsite link

Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System (MRMS) Amazon Web Services offsite link

NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data 
Sea-Level Pressure  Google offsite link
Surface Temperature  Google offsite link
Water Vapor  Google offsite link

National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) Google offsite link

Seamless System for Prediction and Earth System Research (SPEAR) Amazon Web Services

Applied Climate Information System (ACIS) offsite link Google  offsite link

PMEL Ocean Climate Stations (Keo & Papa) Amazon Web Services offsite link Google offsite link

X-SHiELD (System for High-Resolution Prediction on Earth-to-Local Domains) 》Google offsite link