Cara holds up a small shark that looks to be about a foot long and smiles. She is standing next to a fishing pole on an overcast day.

Cara Schweitzer, Ph.D.

Fishery Management Specialist
NOAA Fisheries, Office of Habitat Conservation

EPP/MSI participation


  • Ph.D. Marine Estuarine Environmental Science from University of Maryland Eastern Shore, supported by LMRCSC.
  • M.S. Biology from Washington University.
  • B.S. Biology from University of Missouri St. Louis.

Without of the funding of EPP/MSI I would not have been able to pursue a career in marine science. The EPP/MSI Education and Science Forums granted opportunities to meet with NOAA professionals and to seek advice which, I believe, had a direct impact on my [NOAA] application success.

Cara Schweitzer