- Weather Glossary: A's
- Weather Glossary: B's
- Weather Glossary: C's
- Weather Glossary: D's
- Weather Glossary: E's
- Weather Glossary: F's
- Weather Glossary: G's
- Weather Glossary: H's
- Weather Glossary: I's
- Weather Glossary: J's
- Weather Glossary: K's
- Weather Glossary: L's
- Weather Glossary: M's
- Weather Glossary: N's
- Weather Glossary: O's
- Weather Glossary: P's
- Weather Glossary: Q's
- Weather Glossary: R's
- Weather Glossary: S's
- Weather Glossary: T's
- Weather Glossary: U's
- Weather Glossary: V's
- Weather Glossary: W's
- Weather Glossary: X's
- Weather Glossary: Y's
- Weather Glossary: Z's
- Weather Acronyms: A's
- Weather Acronyms: B's
- Weather Acronyms: C's
- Weather Acronyms: D's
- Weather Acronyms: E's
- Weather Acronyms: F's
- Weather Acronyms: G's
- Weather Acronyms: H's
- Weather Acronyms: I's
- Weather Acronyms: J's
- Weather Acronyms: K's
- Weather Acronyms: L's
- Weather Acronyms: M's
- Weather Acronyms: N's
- Weather Acronyms: O's
- Weather Acronyms: P's
- Weather Acronyms: Q's
- Weather Acronyms: R's
- Weather Acronyms: S's
- Weather Acronyms: T's
- Weather Acronyms: U's
- Weather Acronyms: V's
- Weather Acronyms: W's
- Weather Acronyms: X's
- Weather Acronyms: Y's
- Weather Acronyms: Z's
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- Weather Glossary: A's
- Weather Glossary: B's
- Weather Glossary: C's
- Weather Glossary: D's
- Weather Glossary: E's
- Weather Glossary: F's
- Weather Glossary: G's
- Weather Glossary: H's
- Weather Glossary: I's
- Weather Glossary: J's
- Weather Glossary: K's
- Weather Glossary: L's
- Weather Glossary: M's
- Weather Glossary: N's
- Weather Glossary: O's
- Weather Glossary: P's
- Weather Glossary: Q's
- Weather Glossary: R's
- Weather Glossary: S's
- Weather Glossary: T's
- Weather Glossary: U's
- Weather Glossary: V's
- Weather Glossary: W's
- Weather Glossary: X's
- Weather Glossary: Y's
- Weather Glossary: Z's
- Weather Acronyms: A's
- Weather Acronyms: B's
- Weather Acronyms: C's
- Weather Acronyms: D's
- Weather Acronyms: E's
- Weather Acronyms: F's
- Weather Acronyms: G's
- Weather Acronyms: H's
- Weather Acronyms: I's
- Weather Acronyms: J's
- Weather Acronyms: K's
- Weather Acronyms: L's
- Weather Acronyms: M's
- Weather Acronyms: N's
- Weather Acronyms: O's
- Weather Acronyms: P's
- Weather Acronyms: Q's
- Weather Acronyms: R's
- Weather Acronyms: S's
- Weather Acronyms: T's
- Weather Acronyms: U's
- Weather Acronyms: V's
- Weather Acronyms: W's
- Weather Acronyms: X's
- Weather Acronyms: Y's
- Weather Acronyms: Z's
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W | White, west, or west longitude |
WA | Washington |
WAA | Warm Air Advection |
WAC | World Aeronautical Chart |
WADL | West African Disturbance Line |
WAFC | World area forecast center |
WB | Westbound |
WBND | West bound |
WBZ | Wet-Bulb Zero |
WCM | Warning Coordination Meteorologist |
WDI | Wind direction indicator |
WDLY | Widely |
WDSPR | Widespread |
WDSPRD | Widespread |
WEA | Weather |
WED | Wednesday |
WEF | With effect from or effective from |
WER | Weak Echo Region |
WFO | Weather Forecast Office |
WFOS | Weather Forecast Offices |
WFP | Warm front passage |
WI | Within or Wisconsin |
WIBIS | Will be issued |
WID | Width |
WIE | With immediate effect or effective immediately |
WILCO | Will comply |
WIMS | Weather Information Management System |
WINT | Winter |
WINTEM | Forecast upper wind and temperature for aviation |
WIP | Work in progress |
WK | Weak |
WKDAY | Weekday |
WKEND | Weekend |
WKN | Weaken or weakening |
WKNG | Weakening |
WKNS | Weakens |
WKR | Weaker |
WKST | Weakest |
WL | Will |
WLY | Westerly |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WND | Wind |
WNDS | Winds |
WNW | West-northwest |
WNWLY | West-northwesterly |
WNWRN | West-northwestern |
WNWWD | West-northwestward |
WO | Without |
WPLTO | Western Plateau |
WRM | Warm |
WRMFNT | Warm front |
WRMFNTL | Warm Frontal |
WRMG | Warming |
WRMR | Warmer |
WRMST | Warmest |
WRN | Western |
WRNG | Warning |
WRNGS | Warnings |
WRS | Worse |
WS | Wind shear |
WSFO | Weather Service Forecast Office |
WSFOS | Weather Service Forecast Offices |
WSHFT | Wind shift |
WSHFTS | Wind Shifts |
WSOM | National Weather Service Operations Manual |
WSR-88D | Weather Surveillance Radar |
WSR-74 | A NWS Weather Surveillance Radar designed in 1974. |
WSR-57 | A NWS Weather Surveillance Radar designed in 1957. |
WSTCH | Wasatch Range |
WSW | West-southwest |
WSWLY | West-southwesterly |
WSWRN | West-southwestern |
WSWWD | West-southwestward |
WTR | Water |
WTRS | Waters |
WTSPT | Waterspout |
WTSPTS | Waterspouts |
WUD | Would |
WV | West Virginia or Water Vapor |
WVS | Waves |
WW | Severe Thunderstorm Watch or Tornado Watch |
WWA | Severe Thunderstorm Watch, Tornado Watch, or Watch status reports |
WWAMKC | Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado Watch Status Report |
WWD | Westward |
WWS | Severe Weather Watches |
WX | Weather |
WY | Wyoming |
- Weather Glossary: A's
- Weather Glossary: B's
- Weather Glossary: C's
- Weather Glossary: D's
- Weather Glossary: E's
- Weather Glossary: F's
- Weather Glossary: G's
- Weather Glossary: H's
- Weather Glossary: I's
- Weather Glossary: J's
- Weather Glossary: K's
- Weather Glossary: L's
- Weather Glossary: M's
- Weather Glossary: N's
- Weather Glossary: O's
- Weather Glossary: P's
- Weather Glossary: Q's
- Weather Glossary: R's
- Weather Glossary: S's
- Weather Glossary: T's
- Weather Glossary: U's
- Weather Glossary: V's
- Weather Glossary: W's
- Weather Glossary: X's
- Weather Glossary: Y's
- Weather Glossary: Z's
- Weather Acronyms: A's
- Weather Acronyms: B's
- Weather Acronyms: C's
- Weather Acronyms: D's
- Weather Acronyms: E's
- Weather Acronyms: F's
- Weather Acronyms: G's
- Weather Acronyms: H's
- Weather Acronyms: I's
- Weather Acronyms: J's
- Weather Acronyms: K's
- Weather Acronyms: L's
- Weather Acronyms: M's
- Weather Acronyms: N's
- Weather Acronyms: O's
- Weather Acronyms: P's
- Weather Acronyms: Q's
- Weather Acronyms: R's
- Weather Acronyms: S's
- Weather Acronyms: T's
- Weather Acronyms: U's
- Weather Acronyms: V's
- Weather Acronyms: W's
- Weather Acronyms: X's
- Weather Acronyms: Y's
- Weather Acronyms: Z's
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