Dr. Spinrad Participates in @america Youth Engagement Event on Earth Day at U.S. Embassy Jakarta
NOAA and Singapore's MSE Sign Agreement to Enhance Cooperation
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Dr. Spinrad Participates in @america Youth Engagement Event on Earth Day at U.S. Embassy Jakarta
NOAA and Singapore's MSE Sign Agreement to Enhance Cooperation
Dr. Spinrad Participates in @america Youth Engagement Event on Earth Day at U.S. Embassy Jakarta
NOAA and Singapore's MSE Sign Agreement to Enhance Cooperation
NOAA’s mission extends beyond the political boundaries of the United States to oceans, ecosystems, and the atmosphere throughout the world. Because of this, it is important for NOAA to engage internationally in order to support and promote national policies and interests in ecosystem-based management, climate change, scientific research, Earth observation, and weather forecasting while also seeking to maximize the mutual benefits of international exchange with its global partners. The NOAA Strategic Plan recognizes the value of the agency's international activities, and its international leadership, as a priority across NOAA.
The Office of International Affairs advises the Under Secretary/Administrator on international policy issues. The office is responsible for planning and coordinating NOAA's international programs and carrying out tasks of special interest related to international activities. The office helps establish policies, guidelines, and procedures for NOAA's international programs, including:
Dr. Spinrad Participates in @america Youth Engagement Event on Earth Day at U.S. Embassy Jakarta
NOAA and Singapore's MSE Sign Agreement to Enhance Cooperation