Official headshot of Chris Cartwright

Chris Cartwright

We lost a valued member of the NOAA family in May of 2021. Chris Cartwright was the Director of the NOAA Budget Office. He oversaw the formulation and execution of approximately $6 billion in annual resources from appropriated and non-appropriated sources in support of NOAA and Department of Commerce goals. 

Chris had thirty years of experience in federal financial management in the Department of Commerce. He started his career at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a program analyst, budget analyst, and budget team lead. He worked with the agency during its transition to a performance-based organization funded entirely by user fees.  

Chris first came to NOAA in 2000 as a budget analyst at the National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS). While at NESDIS, he advanced to the positions of Director of Budget and Planning and the Deputy Chief Financial Officer/Deputy Chief Administrative Officer. He supported the planning and budgeting for NOAA’s new generation of environmental satellites.

Chris next joined the Senior Executive Service (SES) and the National Ocean Service (NOS) in NOAA in 2008 as their Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer. He led financial, administrative, policy, and communications activities for the line office. While at NOS, Chris completed assignments as the acting Budget Director and Chief Financial Officer for NOAA and fulfilled the duties of the Deputy Assistant Administrator for NOS.

Chris completed his bachelor’s degree from Syracuse University, a master’s degree from the George Washington University School of Business, and an Executive Master of Public Administration degree from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. Chris received designation as a Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) by the Association of Government Accountants.