Current scholars

Resources and information for current Hollings Scholars

Hollings Scholar Paul Campion aboard the NOAA Ship Fairweather, a hydrographic survey vessel, near Juneau in Southeast Alaska.
Hollings Scholar Paul Campion interning aboard the NOAA Ship Fairweather, a hydrographic survey vessel, near Juneau in Southeast Alaska. (Courtesy of Paul Campion)

Student Profiles

Class of 2023

Class of 2024

Resources for Scholars

Student Scholarship Internship Opportunity (SSIO) Online System

Project Training Record (PTR) Online System

Important Forms for Scholars

Student Info Sheet

Photo Release Form

Travel Request Form

Project Plan Form

Site Visit Survey Form

Scholarship Timeline

Year one

End of January Scholarship applications due.
April Scholarship recipients notified.
Last week of May (beginning Memorial Day holiday)  NOAA orientation and training program in Silver Spring, MD (mandatory attendance for incoming student scholars).
August to September Summer internship opportunities identified by NOAA mentors.
September Disbursement of academic scholarship.
October Student scholars receive access to summer internship opportunity database.
October to December Student scholars contact NOAA mentors to solidify summer internship.

Year two

December to April Internship site visits conducted.
May Student scholars begin NOAA internship, bi-weekly stipend payments begin.
End of July/Beginning of August Student scholars present their summer projects during mandatory final presentation week in Silver Spring, MD.
September Disbursement of monthly academic scholarship awards resumes.
September-December Students may apply to attend up to two national scientific conferences to present their NOAA internship research.

Year three

January Disbursement of monthly academic scholarship award continues.
January - March Students may apply to attend up to two national scientific conferences to present their NOAA internship research.
May - June Scholarship ends.

For more information, contact Student Scholarship Programs at: or (301) 628-2913.