NOMEC works with partners to educate the next generation of diverse ocean explorers, policy makers, communications experts and scientists. An inclusive science, technology, education, and mathematics (STEM)-literate and ocean-literate workforce is fundamental to ocean innovation and for the Nation to best harness the potential benefits gained from the NOMEC Strategy. The products of the NOMEC Strategy will be incorporated into education and outreach to support an ocean-literate society, develop a blue workforce (those employed in ocean-related industries), and inspire the public.
General education:
- NOAA Deep Ocean Education Website
- NOAA OER Educational Opportunities
- USGS Oceans & Coasts Educational Opportunities
- NASA Learner Opportunities
- BOEM Educational Opportunities
- NSF Educational Opportunities
- DOD Educational Opportunities offsite link
- US Coast Guard Educational Opportunities
- NOAA Corps: Did you know NOAA Corps is one of the 8 uniformed services?
Scholarships, Fellowships, Internships and Grants:
- Pathways To Science offsite link: (Higher Education)
- Federal Internship Portal: (High School - Graduate)
- NOAA Student Opportunities Database: (Kindergarten - Post Doctorate)
- NSF Student Opportunities Database: (High School - Post Doctorate)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program offsite link: (Graduate)
- NASA Space Grant and Fellowship Project: (Undergraduate - Graduate)
- USGS Student & Recent Graduate Opportunities: (Undergraduate - Post Doctorate)
- MOAA Educational Assistance Opportunities offsite link: (Military Associated Students)
- Dept. of Defense SMART Scholarship offsite link: (STEM Students)
- U.S. Coast Guard Scholarship Opportunities offsite link: (U.S. Coast Guard student members and family)
- U.S. Coast Guard Marine and Environmental Science Internships offsite link: (Students)
- American Meteorological Society Student Opportunities offsite link: (Undergraduate - Graduate)
- Davidson Institute Gifted Programs offsite link: (High Achieving Students)
- The Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship offsite link: (Public Service Students)
- Collegiate Inventors Competition offsite link: (Undergraduate - Graduate)
- Society of Physics Students Scholarships offsite link: (Undergraduate - Graduate)
- Society of Women Engineers Scholarships offsite link: (Undergraduate - Graduate)
- American Chemical Society offsite link: (Undergraduate)
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society Scholarships offsite link: (Vocational and Undergraduate)
Funding Opportunities
Several opportunities to fund activities related to ocean mapping, exploration, and characterization exist across the Federal landscape. Below is a subset of these opportunities; please click below to learn more.
- Grants.Gov Funding Opportunities
- Dept. of Defense Funding Opportunities: Search for "MURI"
- Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Funding Opportunities offsite link
- NCCOS Funding Opportunities
- NOAA Ocean Exploration Funding Opportunities
- NOAA Brennan Matching Fund
- NSF Funding Opportunities
- NASA Funding Opportunities
- Dept. of Transportation Grants