King tides and El Niño team up to threaten California coast

Coastal flooding could last through the winter

King tides and El Niño team up to threaten California coasts.
Coastal flooding could last through winter.

King tides and El Niño team up to threaten California coasts. Coastal flooding could last through winter. (Image credit:

Take notice, California: You will see king tides this winter, especially in Southern California, which are capable of causing some coastal flooding. Sea levels are high on the West Coast this winter because of El Niño — and that's making high king tides, also known as spring tides, even higher. Make sure you check the weather forecast, too: If there's a winter storm in the mix during king tides any coastal flooding could be worse and impact homes, roads and other transportation. What exactly are king tides, and what's causing higher than normal tides this year? Read this article from NOAA's National Ocean Service, and check out these downloadable infographics