The ProTech Weather and Oceans Domain hosted a Virtual Vendor Engagement Webinar on February 25, 2021. We recorded 108 people participating in the virtual event, which was open to all ProTech Weather and Oceans Domain Prime Vendors and their teams, as well as the National Weather Service (NWS) and National Oceans Service (NOS) Program Office and Acquisition and Grants Office (AGO) personnel.
The webinar included presentations from the Small Business Office by Jeff Hale, Eastern and Western Acquisition Divisions by branch chiefs Stacy Dohse, James Price, and Nathan Hansing, ProTech branch chief Jay Standring, ProTech Administrative Contracting Officers Erika Chavarria and Pierre Smith, and ProTech account managers Katy Pridgen and Lucjan Haber. During the meeting, a variety of topics were covered to include: set aside determination, small business administration targets for FY20, Weather and Oceans Domain FY20 year in review and FY21 forecast presentations, Eastern Acquisition Divisions remarks for Oceans Domain, and Western Acquisition Division remarks for Weather Domain. During the webinar, ProTech staff provided training opportunities for the participants in the following subjects: Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System, sexual assault and sexual harassment prevention and reporting, progress reports/invoicing, labor categories, market refresh, and government and contractor employee interactions.
The ProTech PMO would like to thank all participants!
Meeting Part 1
Meeting Part 2